Oregon Doughnut Shop Trolled Over Their Job Ad


An Oregon doughnut shop is hiring… just not any vegans or vegetarians. Non-meat eaters aren’t too happy with the add for Pip’s Original Doughnuts.

Pip’s Original Doughnuts in Portland placed a recruitment ad that describes the ideal candidate as someone with “a friendly, outgoing personality,” but “no non-medical, non-religious dietary restrictions” that “would stop you from tasting, accurately representing our treats, and maintaining quality control.” 

donut ad

The ad (view full ad here)  is not going over well.

One customer posted on Facebook: “Won’t return now that I know you discriminate against vegetarians.” 

The co-owner Nate Snell released the following statement:

At Pip’s we serve dishes that contain meat, gluten and most other common food allergens like soy, diary and nuts. It is our responsibility to let potential employees know that they will be expected to taste the food and drinks we prepare in order to maintain both food quality and food safety.

If a potential employee is not able to perform these duties because of a voluntary, non-medical and non-religious dietary restriction (no sugar, no gluten, no nuts, no meat etc.) working at our shop would place an undue burden on our ability to maintain the quality of our food and the health of our customers and employees.

FYI… the ad is perfectly legal since dietary preference isn’t protected under employment laws.


[Oregon Live] [Job Ad] [Pip’s Facebook]