Report Recommends Slowing Pace Of Charter Schools


The rapid growth of charter schools could lead to the privatization of America’s public school system, according to a new report from the Independent Media Institute. It says 40% of the nation’s 6,700 charter schools are part of corporate chains or franchises. Stan Salett, report co-author, says most major -S cities are now divided into private and public tracks, and argues the future of one of the nation’s few institutions where people from diverse backgrounds come together is at risk.

“Different language backgrounds, cultural backgrounds, racial backgrounds. The aim of public schools has always been to create a place where the so-called ‘melting pot’ can occur.”

Salett says companies frequently mix nonprofit and for-profit wings to win taxpayer subsidies, further boosting profits. He adds some charters have also successfully lobbied to eliminate democratically-elected boards, public oversight and accountability. There are approximately 300 charter schools in Michigan.