Report Finds Rising Racial Disparity With Infant Deaths


Recent data from the 2017 “Right Start” report from the Michigan League for Public Policy reveals that infant deaths are down in the state, but there is still a troubling disparity by ethnicity. That’s according to Alicia Gueverra-Warren, Project Director with Kid’s Count in Michigan.

“What we found is that the gap between white and black infant deaths continues to exist by a more than two to one ratio, and what’s really disturbing is that the rates for Hispanic moralities is rising over time,” Gueverra-Warren said.

Gueverra-Warren says the report also reveals that prenatal smoking remained the same for White women, but increased with Black and Hispanic women. The gap between White and Black infant deaths continues to exists by more than a 2 to 1 ratio — and the rates for Hispanic infant mortality is rising over time.