Travel Writer Weighs In On Marijuana Proposal


PBS travel show host Rick Steves wants you to know the facts about Michigan’s November 6th marijuana legalization and regulation ballot proposal. His home state of Washington legalized recreational pot in 2012. Six years later, he says, experience from Washington and Colorado show no harm and multiple benefits. And governors there who didn’t support it at first now do.

“The numbers are in. And use doesn’t go up, teen use doesn’t go up, DUI’s don’t go up, crime doesn’t go up. What goes up is civil liberties, and decimating a thriving black market enriching gangs and organized crime. And turning it into a highly regulated, highly taxed legal market that employs tens of thousands of people in my state. Not to mention saves millions of dollars of law enforcement revenue and generates lots of good tax dollars.”

Steves says Michigan voters won’t be venturing into unknown territory in November by legalizing marijuana. Canada has done it along with nine U.S. states. Steves says voting yes on the marijuana ballot proposal is not voting for a pro-marijuana law.

“This is not a pro-marijuana law. This is an anti-prohibition, anti-racism, pro fiscal responsibility, pro civil liberties, pro respect for law enforcement. This is tackling a wrong-minded, tragic prohibition in our community today.”

The latest polls indicate voters will approve the marijuana proposal.