Utilities Remind Customers Of Heating Programs


Michigan Gas Utilities is hoping its customers are thinking about how to keep themselves warm this coming winter. Spokesperson Matt Cullen tells WSJM News now is the time to apply for heating assistance.

“Residents and customers do not need to be behind on their energy or natural gas bills to receive assistance through the Home Heating Credit and Weatherization Assistance Program,” Cullen said. “Those who are carrying past due energy bills may be able to seek help through the stae emergency relief or energy assistance programs.”

Cullen says you can apply for those programs online or get some help by calling 211. He also wanted customers to know they should contact Michigan Gas if they begin to struggle with their heating bills over the winter. Cullen says you should not wait until you’re behind. The utility can arrange minimum payment plans for you.

To apply for assistance through the Home Heating Credit and State Emergency Relief programs, residents should visit the MDHHS website.

Michigan Gas has more information here.