Dowagiac Hunter’s Rendezvous Next Month


Coming up in February will be one of the biggest events for lovers of the outdoors held in southwest Michigan each year. It’s the 23rd annual Dowagiac Conservation Club’s Hunter’s Rendezvous on Saturday February 8 at the club grounds in Dowagiac. Club Vice President Craig Lyons tells us the event is a fundraiser for the youth programs the organization runs. Everyone is welcome to come and display trophies.

“It doesn’t have to be big,” Lyons said. “It could be deer, fish, whatever. They an bring it in, put in on display, and they get a free raffle ticket to win an exclusive rifle for that as well.”

There are raffles, gun appraisals, and a lot of activities for the kids.

“We have plenty of games and various things the kids can do to keep them occupied. In one of our buildings, we’ve got the Potawatomi Zoo coming in to do a presentation. They’ll have snakes and lizards and things that kids can have a hands-on experience.”

People can also register for the club’s annual Squirrel Hunt, which is the next day. Lyons says the event attracts hundreds of people each year. The Dowagiac Conservation Club’s Hunter’s Rendezvous will run from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on February 8 at the club grounds in Dowagiac.